
lissa4229 Chaturbate model



Chaturbate model

Midwest United States

Nov. 3, 1914


My sexual orientation:

Men, Women, Trans, Couples


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More info about me

Hello, I am lissa4229 and I work as a Chaturbate model. I am from Midwest United States. I speek English. I was born on Nov. 3, 1914 so I'm 109 years old :) . I would describe my body as beaing the Hot type. I would like to say that I am really interested in Men, Women, Trans, Couples, but also open to new experiences.

When I'm dressed up and on cam, I become Lissa. She's sophisticated, slutty and very dominant. But she's a confirmed lesbian, which means she's only turned on by other girls; with or without a hard cock to play with. She loves to C2C with a hot gurl and make her explode. As Lissa, I broadcast for my own pleasure and have no interest in soliciting tips. All are free to enjoy watching, and I do hope you enjoy, but there are a few things that kill my mood, so I decided to add some room rules. Rules, words that those most likely to break will ignore. Doing this has given me newfound respect for the shit genetic women have to endure from guys. ROOM RULES:- Demands, orders, etc. aren't tolerated and will get you banned. This is your first, last, and only warning.- If you are not another girl, I may not engage with you, so don't be a typical dude and get pissy if I don't.- No, I don't want to see your big cock, much less be fucked by it.- When I do engage, don't judge my typing or short messages. Typing in long nails is a BITCH!

Bio info:

Age: 109 years old

Body: Hot

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