
oldtinydick Chaturbate model



Chaturbate model

Arizona, United States

Dec. 13, 1950


My sexual orientation:

Men, Women, Trans, Couples


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Hello, I am oldtinydick and I work as a Chaturbate model. I am from Arizona, United States. I speek English. I was born on Dec. 13, 1950 so I'm 73 years old :) . I would like to say that I am really interested in Men, Women, Trans, Couples, but also open to new experiences.

[email protected]! Thank you for coming to our page. My name is Mary and Im 37 and I am a caretaker. Duane is who I take care of and he is 67. I am originally from Arkansas. I moved to Arizona a little over 2 years ago. I had gotten a divorce after being married to my ex husband for 15 years, together for 19 years altogether. I came out here to start over and be closer to my family. Duane was married for 30 years to his wife who passed away a little over a year ago. After she passed he decided to hire me to help take care of household chores and drive him to doctor appointments and things of that nature. He has had heart problems and he has other health complications so its hard for him to do the day to day stuff. I am a live in caretaker so I live here with him so after working and getting to know him better we became really close friends and I noticed me flirting with him more and more and him doing the same. So long story short here we are, a year later and we cant tell our familys because we know they would not understand our love for eachother bc of the age so this is the only place we get to be ourselves in front of others and I have to say when Duane first told me about Chatterbate, i was nervous and shy but I find myself so turned on knowing you guys are watching us just makes me so turned on and Im not even as shy as I use to be. I deff have a fetish for ppl watching me be nasty on cam. Thank all of you for watching and if you happen to like what you see and want to tip feel free to do so! There you have it, there is our story!

Bio info:

Age: 73 years old

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